After three years, numerous rewrites, and one big data loss, our first full-length album is FINALLY out!

Our album is finally out and you can get it on all major digital and streaming platforms here, as well as physical copies starting at $10!
Vox/lyrics: Austin Wiard
Guitar: Scotty Wiard
Bass: Scotty Wiard
Drums: Austin Wiard and Scotty Wiard via Superior Drummer
Album art: Mike Kenway
Austin would like to thank:
Everyone who ever heard me say "I want to be a singer in a rock band" and didn't laugh or try to tell me it's not going to work out for me. Thank you to all the bands that gave us a solid listen and liked it or gave us advice. Thank you to all our friends who gave us their ideas and a HUGE thank you to all the people who pitched in to help us create the intro track, Silence! It turned out so badass and I can't wait to see if we can make it even bigger when we revisit these songs later on down the road!
Scotty would like to thank:
Everyone who ever pushed me to be the musician, guitar player, and man that I am today. If it weren't for you, none of this could have ever been possible. Special thanks go out to my friends Kyle and James, without whom I would have spent countless hours more than I already did alone in my room with my guitar. It was nice to have someone there to push me to be better. Also, Jacob. This record is, in one way or another, dedicated to you. Rest well, brother. You are missed.